25 Tabby Cats

American Shorthair Classic Tabby Pattern

Tabby is not a breed of Cat but a colour pattern. There are four types of Tabby pattern and 25 breeds of Cat that accept the Tabby pattern and are referred to as Tabby Cats.

The four types of Tabby pattern are:

American Shorthair Classic Tabby PatternClassic – Whorls ending in a ‘target’ on the side of the cat

Main Coon Mackerel Tabby Pattern

Mackerel – Striped rings around tail and legs, ‘necklace’ of stripes across chest and bands of solid or broken stripes down their sides

American Bobtail Spotted Tabby Pattern

Spotted – Spotty markings

Abyssinian Agouti Tabby Pattern

Agouti – Different bands of colour down the length of individual hairs.


25 Tabby Cats

Abyssinian Agouti Tabby Pattern


American Bobtail Spotted Tabby Pattern

American Bobtail

American Curl

American Curl

American Shorthair Classic Tabby Pattern

American Shorthair

American Wirehair

American Wirehair



Colourpoint Shorthair

Colourpoint Shorthair

Egyptian Mau

Egyptian Mau







Maine Coon Mackerel Tabby Pattern

Maine Coon



Norwegian Forest Cat

Norwegian Forest Cat









Scottish Fold

Scottish Fold







Turkish Angora

Turkish Angora

Turkish Van

Turkish Van



For more information, visit the Cat Fanciers Association


And to find more Lovely Lists, have a look here

What Can Animals Tell Us About War?

Animals and Warfare

I am a massive fan of TEDtalks – they are very informative, thought provoking and cover an incredible range of topics. I strongly suggest you take a look at the available talks on the TED website.

Today I have chosen a TED talk by Mark Briffa, who discusses Animals and Warfare.

What Can Animals Tell Us About Warfare? Animals frequently enter into fights over access to disputed resources. Can understanding how fighting animals make critical decisions, such as the decision to ‘give up’, give us insights into aggression in humans? In his talk, Mark will show how the logic of animal contests can be applied to our understanding of Warfare.


For more Interviews, take a look here

Thanks to YouTube for the video and TEDtalks for the discussion

April’s Animal Events Near You!

April's Animal Events

A selection of April’s Animal Events near you:

April 21st:

Dog Day Afternoon, Cabbages & Frocks Market in London, UK. Free entry, 11am- 5pm

Geology and Botany on the Limestone Pavements of Great Asby, Great Asby Scar in Cumbria UK, 10:30am

Nesting Birds and Early Flowers Walk, Derbyshire Wildlife Trust, 8-11am

Guided Walk: Spring Migrant Birds Arrival, Gibraltar Point in Lincolnshire, 9-11:30am

Taster Session: Green Woodworking, Ryton Pools Country Park in Warwickshire, 9:30-11:30am

Merlin’s Bird Watching Club for Young People, Ingrebourne Valley Visitor Centre in Squadrons Approach in Essex, 10am – 12pm

Family Forest School, Carsington Water Visitor Centre in Derbyshire, 10:30am – 12pm

Idle Valley Wildlife Watch Group: Spring Arrivals, Idle Valley Nature Reserve in Nottinghamshire, 10am – 12pm

Saturday Crafty Nature, Seaton Jurassic in Devon, 10am – 12pm. Also being run on April 28th, May 5th, May 12th and May 19th

Great Fen wildlife Watch: National Earth Day Theme, Wildlife Trust Countryside Centre in Bedfordshire, 10am – 12pm

An Introduction to Photography – April, The Wolseley Centre in Staffordshire, 9am – 1pm

Secrets of the Wild, Hauxley Wildlife Discovery Centre, Northumberland, 9:30am – 1:30pm. Also being run on May 23rd, June 30th, July 21st and October 13th

Beginning Wildlife Photography, Magor Marsh Nature Reserve in Gwent, 10am – 2pm

Spurn Safari, Spurn National Nature Reserve in Yorkshire, 12-2:30pm

Discovering Non-Flowering Plants, Gors maen Llwyd in North Wales, 10:30am – 2:30pm

Wildlife Gardening, Testwood Lakes, Hampshire, 9:30am – 3pm

Basic Hedgehog Care, Carlton Marshes in Suffolk, 10am – 3pm

Peregrine Watch, Leamington in Warwickshire, 10am – 3pm. Also being run on May 12th, June 9th, July 14th, August 4th

Meet a Bat, Gibraltar point, Lincolnshire, 2-3:30pm

Moth Night, St Brades Close in Birmingham, 8:30-10pm

April 21st to 29th:

Bird and Nature Festival, Abbeville, France.


April 22nd

Birdie Birds Ladies Birdwatching Group, Ingrebourne Valley Visitor Centre in Essex, 10am – 12pm

Tree Walk and Bug Hunt, Harrow Recreation Ground, Hertfordshire, 10:30am – 12:30pm

The Body Language of Trees, Ashbridge Estate in Hertfordshire, 10am – 1pm

Bushcraft, Mucking Wharf Road in Essez, 11am – 1pm

Lambing Day, Low Carr Farm in Yorkshire, 10am – 3pm

Introduction to Beekeeping Workshop, Tewin Orchard in Hertfordshire, 10am – 3pm

Waves of Waste Beach Clean at Filey, Yorkshire, 2-4pm

World Earth Day, The National Stone Centre in Derbyshire, 10am – 5pm

Nightingale Walk, Fingringhoe Wick Visitor Centre in Essex, 7:30-9pm


April 24th

Nature Tots, Marbury Country Park in Cheshire, 10-11:30am

Little Badgers – Parent and Toddler Group, Ingrebourne Valley Visitor Centre in Essex, 10:30am – 12pm

Moseley Bog & Joy’s Wood Volunteer Day, Birmingham, 10:30am – 3:30pm

A Natural History Adventure, Seaton Jurassic in Devon, 10am – 4pm

Fremington Foreshore and Saltpill Duck-Pond, Fremington Quay in Devon, 7-9pm

Telford Wildlife Forum – The Amazing Trees of Shropshire, Horsehay Village Hall, Telford, 7:30-9:30pm

Bats – Superheroes of the Night, Chandlers Ford in Hampshire, 7:30-9:30pm


April 26th:

Gala Fundraising Auction, BowWow House in London, UK. 7:30pm – 10:00pm

Bluebell Walk, Oakley in Hampshire, 10:30am – 12:30pm

Beach Clean, Glenarm Strand in Ulster, 1-3pm

Spring Bird ID with Ed Drewitt, Brandon Marsh Nature Centre in Warwickshire, 10am – 4pm

Bee Survey Training Workshop, Derbyshire Wildlife Trust, 10am – 5pm

Go Wild!, Bradfield Woods in Suffolk, 4-5:30pm

Young Rangers, Windsor Great Park Environmental Centre in Berkshire, 6-7:30pm

Cumbria Wildlife Trust: What We Do and Plans for the Future, Gosling Sike in Cumbria, 7-8:30pm

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?, Aymestrey Village Hall in Herefordshire, 7:30-9pm

Birds of Prey and Flight Evening, Abberton Reservoir Visitor Centre in Essex, 7:30-9pm

Talk: Wild Britain, Staffordshire, 7:30-9pm

Ipswich Hedgehog Project, Tattingstone in Suffolk, 7:30-10pm


April 28th

Reptile and Amphibian Surveying Workshop, Cornwall

Bats, Birdsong and Breakfast, Downham in Essex, 4:30-7:30am

Listening to an Identifying Birdsong in Wendover Wood, Wendover in Berkshire, 7-10am

Testwood Dads and Tots, Southampton, 10:30am – 12pm

Spring Herb Walk with Rowan McOnegal, Queenswood Country Park & Arboretum in Herefordshire, 10am – 12pm

Farming with Wildlife in Mind Walk, Finches Farm, Hertfordshire, 10am – 12pm

Hadleigh Naturalists’ Spring Fayre, Ansell in Suffolk, 10am – 12pm

Guided Bird Walk, Braeburn Park in London, 10:30am – 12:30pm

Wildfamilies Nestbox Building Workshop, World of Wedgwood in Staffordshire, 10:30am – 1pm

Rowen – A Natural History, Conwy in North Wales, 9:30am – 1:30pm

Disappearing Gnomes, Ingrebourne Valley Visitor Centre in Essex, 10am – 3pm

Hedgehog Tunnels, Douglas Museum in Manx, 2-3:30pm

Wildlife Training Workshop: 2 Day Workshop with Paul Gosling, Lings in bedfordshire, 10am – 4pm

A Sense of Nature – Creative Writing Workshop, Downham in Essex, 10am – 4pm

Beach Clean, Naze Visitor Centre in Essex, 2-4pm

Pond and River Dipping for Adults, Hampshire, 2-4pm

Basingstoke Wildlife Watch, Hampshire, 2-4pm

Stargazing, Abberton reservoir Visitor Centre in Essex, 8-10:30pm

Quiz Night, Eastwood Road North in Essex, 7:30-10:30pm


April 30th

Woodland Therapy, Bouldnor Forest in Isle of Wight, 11am – 2:30pm

Nature Tots, Whitby Park in Cheshire, 9:30-11am



For more Animal Events and News, take a look here


Facts About Frogs

facts about frogs
April is Frog Month – hooray! Below are a few Facts about Frogs, together with clips and videos of Frogs.
Facts about Frogs:
  1. There are over 5000 species of Frog
  2. A Frog’s call is unique to it’s species
  3. Every year that a Frog goes in to hibernation, a new layer of bone forms
  4. Frog genders can be identified from their ears – Larger than the eye = Male, Smaller than the eye = Female
  5. Frogs swallow with the help of their eyes – Eyes retract into the head, helping to push the food down the throat
  6. Frogs do not ‘drink’ water, they absorb it through their skin
  7. Frogs croak to attract a mate from up to a mile away
  8. Herpetology is the study of Amphibians and Reptiles
  9. Asian Tree Frogs build nests in trees directly above water so that when the tadpoles hatch they fall directly in to the water for safety
  10. If food becomes scarce, the Mother will deposit unfertilized eggs with her offspring to ensure they have something to eat
BBC Natural World: Fabulous Frogs
BBC Life In Cold Blood: Amazing Rain Frogs
 BBC Natural World: Nature’s Miniature Miracles
For more animal facts, take a look here

Top Ten Unicorns suggests that today is National Unicorn Day. “How can that be?”, I hear you cry, “They aren’t real!”


However, the idea of a one-horned horse type creature has been around since the Ancient Greeks, writing about them as part of nature, not of myth. The physical appearance of a unicorn is most likely a combination of a Rhinocerous (water horse with one tusk), a Goat (beard and horns on it’s head) and a Narwhal (medium sized whale with a very long straight tusk or horn). Most writers had heard the tales of Unicorns and perhaps saw a Rhino for the first time believing it to be the legendary Unicorn. The magical powers of the Unicorn itself, and more importantly it’s tusk, I believe stems from people’s lack of knowledge of the unknown to which they project ideas of fantasy and magic until they are understood better. Unfortunately, in some countries, the idea of healing powers from tusks and horns of many animals, including Elephants and Rhinos, is still prominent today leading them to hunt the animals to gain their healing properties.

When people think of Unicorns, they conjure up different images; so here is a list of the  Top Ten Unicorns to help you identify which one you picture:

1) Archaic Unicorn – Goat sized, Goat beard, Lion tail, Cloven Hooves

2) Northern European – Large horse size, Pure white

3) Western European – Wings on the feet, Curly horn

4) Central European – Smaller pony size

5) Alps and Carpathian – Grey speckled and robust, Largely Goat-like

6) Eastern European – Pony size, very fleeting when seen

7) Chinese/Japanese – Almost Cow-like, Fancy horn

8) Gaelic – Heavy coat for Winter conditions

9) Black – Black fur, Red horn and hooves

10) Alicorn – Winged horse, Pegasus


To find out more about Unicorns, I got my information and pictures from these sites: Unicorn Glitter Palace, Magic Of Unicorns, Land Of Unicorns, and Wikipedia


For more Lovely Lists, take a look here


Interview with a Siamese Cat Rescue Centre

Today is National Siamese Cat Day, according to the Internet. Here is an interview I found written by Lori Soard with Siri Zwemke, the founder of Siamese Cat Rescue in Virginia. For more information on Siamese Cats and adoption, as well as to find the original interview, take a look here.

Image result for siamese cat

LoveToKnow (LTK): Tell us a little about how you got involved in rescuing Siamese cats.

Siri Zwemke (SZ): I’ve had Siamese since I was 14. At the same time, we grew up with dogs, horses, chickens, ducks and so forth, and were always involved in helping animals in one way or another. In my 30s, after losing one of my Siamese to the dangers of the outside, I went on the Internet to find my next family member. Somehow I got hooked up with an Abyssinian Rescue site and the Director suggested I contact a woman in Kansas who had been rescuing Siamese from the Topeka Shelter. I did so and working with her via telephone and email, I selected a cat named Duke, an eight-year-old chocolate point who had been found in a home sitting beside his owner (who had been deceased for several days). While working out the details of bringing a cat from Topeka to Virginia, I placed calls to the area animal shelters inquiring whether they ever got Siamese, and asking them to give me a call if they did. Before I knew it, the phone was ringing off the hook, and I began bringing Siamese cats into my home. At the time, I was a teacher of the hearing impaired; for the first few years I did both – caring for rescued cats (4 a.m. to 6:30 a.m.), commuting an hour to a full time job as a teacher, raising a small child, and then working at rescue till about midnight every night. When I found myself falling asleep in the classroom as I was ‘reading’ a story in sign language to the class, I realized something had to give, and I chose to go into rescuing cats full time. By the way, Duke did join our household about six months later. He was the first cat to use our transport system called the Meezer Express.

LTK: Your husband, Darrell, works with you. When did his interest in rescuing Siamese cats begin?

SZ: Darrell has always had Siamese cats. A computer whiz, Darrell started the Siamese Internet Cat Club in 1996 with In 1999, as I was trying to get Siamese Rescue’s information online, it was suggested to me that I contact Darrell to see if he would be willing to host the Rescue, providing website services and support, and he agreed. So began an Internet relationship that evolved into a marriage in 2001. We both now work full time for the Siamese Cat Rescue Center. Darrell has developed amazing software that allows us to be very successful over such a large geographic region. In addition, he provides website services and support to several other Siamese Rescue operations out of Texas, Colorado and California.

The Job of Siamese Cat Rescue

LTK: What is the most rewarding thing about rescuing cats?

SZ: It’s impossible to say what the most rewarding thing is. Getting the cats back on their feet when they come to you with 15 teeth that need extracting, broken bones, stomach issues and so forth – solving (most of) these issues and seeing those cats blossom is very rewarding. Making so many families happy with the addition of a carefully chosen feline family member and hearing how much that cat means to them over the years; that is very rewarding. Being there to help the elderly lady who has to place her cat because she needs to move to a nursing home or the family who is evicted and has nowhere to turn with their cats; that’s very rewarding. Meeting so many fantastic and compassionate people who give so much to help the organization and the mission is amazing; it restores faith in the human race. And being able to do something we are both passionate about, in an environment we both love, can’t be beat. Tonight we got an update from one of our adopters in New England who adopted Stella, a three time return. Stella had originally come into our program years ago. In her first three placements, she misbehaved in the litter box and was returned each time – the first time after several years, the second time after one night, the third time after a number of months. Stella was clearly telling us that each placement was not the right match. This time, she has hit the jackpot. She is behaving beautifully in the litter box department, and her owner just gushes about how wonderful she is. We track our returns very carefully and actually have quite a low return rate, but with some of the very ‘broken cats’ it takes a lot of time and effort to make the right match!

LTK: Siamese Cat Rescue Center (SCRC) covers around 20 states and has more than 400 volunteers. How did it grow to this point in just a little over ten years?

SZ: The Internet was key, and it allows so many people from so many places to come together for a purpose – to adopt a cat, to place a cat, to rescue a cat, to volunteer. Conducting most of the operations by email and online allows for people from all over to contribute in a wide variety of capacities on their own schedule. We try to maintain regular contact with our applicants, adopters and supporters while providing information about volunteer opportunities, our yearly events, our retail store and encouraging everyone to get involved.

Additionally, we’re very fortunate that many of our volunteers stay with us for years and years, and they help contribute to a very strong backbone. The rescue organization is run just like a business because it is a business; it’s just a business that involves cats. If you make sound business decisions, uphold sound business practices, provide good service with a great product, in our case the Siamese, you’re bound to grow!

LTK: What is one of the first things that happen when a cat comes to you for rescue?

SZ: When we get a call about a cat that needs help, the first thing that happens is we work to make a determination over the phone (or email) as to whether the cat is going to qualify for the program. If the cat sounds like a good candidate, we then notify the Intake Lead and/or the Regional Coordinator for that area. They notify an Intake Evaluator who visits the cat to conduct an evaluation. Cats are evaluated in three areas – their looks (they must look at least partly Siamese), their medical (we do turn down cats with terminal illnesses, for example) and their behavior.

We receive many hundreds of requests for help and realize we cannot help them all, so we work to choose those cats that will meet with the most success in our program. Once approved, foster space is selected and transport arrangements are made. The cat is cultured for fungi, bathed, vaccinated, wormed and further vetting arrangements are made. A photo shoot follows with the foster uploading digital pictures and a description onto the website. All medical information is logged into the website and medical approvals granted as needed. The cat is now ready to peruse prospective suitors.

LTK: What process does someone who is interested in adopting a rescued Siamese go through?

SZ: It’s a very detailed, involved process and not for everyone. Some people prefer to go directly to a shelter, choose a cat or let a cat choose them, and go home with one the same day. Our program focuses on matchmaking, with the foster’s job being to identify and detail the personality of the cat and to represent that in as much detail as possible to the applicants who inquire about the cat. Meantime, the interviewers work with the applicants to gather as much information as they can about the family’s experience with Siamese, their experience with rescue animals in general, their understanding of medical issues, their ability (or not) to handle behavioral issues and so forth. We then work with the applicant to match all of this information together.

LTK: How does one become a foster family?

SZ: We have three types of fosters: short term, long term, and extension. Foster training begins with submission of an application form and vet form, similar to that provided by applicants. The foster-in-training completes a series of steps that include a telephone interview with the Foster Lead, some hands on computer training with someone in their region, a home visit, four to five hours of training videos, the identification of a rescue-friendly vet in their area and concludes with an interview with me. Additionally, in some states, fosters must be registered with their state. Fosters are provided with a great deal of support; we cover all preapproved medical costs, provide a well stocked foster kit, have mentors available should they need help, have online training materials they can access as they need to and so forth. It takes about a month to complete the foster training process. We do not foster-to-adopt, as a matter of fact one of our ‘rules’ is that the foster may not adopt their first foster cat. We currently have 78 approved fosters.

What’s Great About Siamese

LTK: Siamese lovers everywhere know just how special this breed is. Tell us what you love about Siamese cats.

SZ: Besides being nice to look at, Siamese cats have such depth to their personalities. They often prefer people to other cats. Many of them are highly intelligent. You rarely get a ‘meatloaf’ of a cat with a Siamese. They can be vocal, involved, demanding, needy, interactive and mischievous. The qualities that most people love about Siamese are often the same ones that people dislike – “this cat is too demanding, too much, always needing me, always wanting something”. These qualities are also what makes matching the Siamese to the family needs so tricky because not every Siamese is going to be suited for every lifestyle. Add into that the trauma of rescue cats in general (baggage of various sorts), and it becomes quite a puzzle to put the pieces together.

LTK: How many cats of your own do you own?

SZ: The number changes from time to time since we tend to take in the unadoptable cats, particularly the older geezers, and these cats are often only with us for a few years. We currently have six cats, of which Brit is the only one “owned” (assuming you can ever own a female sealpoint ), since all of the others are “residents” and still belong to SCRC.

The Future of SCR

LTK: As a nonprofit, how do you fund your rescue organization? How can others help?

SZ: We rely primarily on donations. We have a retail store online at and regional groups who attend cat and craft shows throughout the year to showcase our items (a number of which are handmade by our volunteers). We are registered with CFC (Animal Charities of America) and CVC (Virginia). We have a number of volunteers who work for organizations that offer matching gift programs. Early on, we did a lot of grant applications to fund items needed at the Center here such as cage banks, etc. We also publish a very nice calendar each year.

We just couldn’t survive without the dedication of our volunteers who help in every way from transporting the cats via the Meezer Express transport system, to evaluating the cats in the public shelters, to fostering, interviewing, crafting and helping here at the Center. There are so many ways to get involved, and it really doesn’t matter where a person lives if they’d like to help out – whether monetarily or via volunteering! We have an extensive volunteer information and application page at:, and proactively recruit at the events we attend.

LTK: Any plans to expand your rescue efforts in the near future?

SZ: We continue to expand our service area throughout the east coast, but only as we have volunteers and resources. We try not to overlap into areas where there are other non-Siamese Rescue associated organizations in existence (Kansas City and Michigan are two that come to mind). We’ve talked many times about taking on more, starting a local spay/neuter program for example, since we live in a very rural community where spay/neuter is not often done. However, we’re very leery of overextending ourselves. After ten years, we’ve only just now gotten to a place in the organization where we have been able to delegate responsibilities enough that Darrell and I can take an afternoon off here and there as opposed to the early years of 24/7 x 365. Right now we’re focusing on fine tuning many of the things we’re already doing.

Final Thoughts

A very warm thank you to the Zwemke’s for sharing some time with us talking about this wonderful organization. Siri and Darrell would like to encourage people to get involved with a non-profit of their choice. As Siri says, “The people you meet are fantastic, the rewards you reap are wonderful, and the good you can do is immeasurable.”



For more animal interviews, take a look here

Knitting Challenge Accepted

knitting challenge accepted

Continuing on from my last story about just beginning to knit and managing a Granny Square (more like a Granny Rectangle) i must say that I have progressed. My friend heard that I had challenged myself to learn to knit and she wonderfully produced this bulk of fabric and yarn for me to play with:

knitting challenge accepted

That includes a set of knitting needles, crochet needles and a crochet book. Absolute legend she is. Knitting Challenge Accepted.

I also bought these from eBay:

double pointed needles darning and tapestry needle

Both of them, 99p including delivery from China. BARGAIN!!! So the top one is a set of four double pointed needles, lovely and smooth, but only 3mm – I could do with a selection of sizes. They are incredibly difficult to get a handle on how to hold them – you’re trying to knit with two of them and the other two are poking you in the hand and face (that may just be me) but I’ve so far made this from it:

double pointed needle rabbit

which is a body of a rabbit that will fit in the hand. I started it seven times before getting to this point, and then I continued up to the head and making one of the ears but I messed up the ear big style, meaning I have to re-do the whole head… I have yet to complete this. Maybe I’ve jumped ahead of myself from a Granny Square to four-needle-knitting-in-the-round?

The bottom picture is a set of Darning and Cable needles which are very exciting. The Darning Needles are basically large sewing needles, large enough to put yarn through the eye in order to fasten off work. The Cable Needles allow you to take a number of stitches and hold them out of the way while you continue knitting until they are needed later on. This basically means you can add ribs and other fancy things on to your work. With that in mind, I made this mobile phone holder:

knitted phone holder

It’s not great but for a first attempt I’m pretty chuffed.



You can follow more of My Story and my knitting and crochet challenges here.

Today’s Animal Events

Todays Animal Events

What are Today’s Animal Events around the globe? Here are 13 of them, from the UK, the USA and France

K9 Crusaders are having an Easter Fun Dog Show today in Truro, UK

Gables Farm Dogs and Cats Home are having an Easter Fair and Dog Show today in Plymouth, UK

The Exhibition Centre in Liverpool is holding a Dog Mania day today and tomorrow in Liverpool, UK

The Hackney Downs Vegan Market is now a weekly event for all you London, UK Vegans out there

If anyone is in Paris, France, there’s an International Agricultural Show today until March 4th

St Giles Animal Centre are holding an Easter Egg Hunt today in Taunton, UK

Mutt Love Rescue hold Adoption Events every Saturday. Today’s event is in Fairfax, VA, USA

Petco Stores across the USA are having Guinea Pig Events today where you can meet Guinea Pigs and other furry friends. They also have Puppy Playtime at 1pm every Saturday and Sunday

Burnham Market in Peterborough, UK, are holding International Horse Competitions today, along with the Exotic Animal Encounter and Fens Falconry

The Centre for Wildlife Care are holding a Wild About Animals Fundraising and Outreach event today, in Pennsylvania, USA

Animal Farm Family Theme Park are having Kidsfest again this weekend in Taunton, UK

The Humane Society of Yuma are holding their annual Critter Country Wild West Casino Night tonight, in Arizona, USA

Secret World Wildlife Rescue are having an Easter Event today in Somerset, UK, including Easter Egg hunts, animal talks, stalls, and bird of prey encounters.


For more Animal Events and News, take a look here