Learning to Knit

knitting challenge accepted


Since I got all excited about Sewing again, I went online and got a little excited – I wanted to Sew, Knit, Crochet, Woodwork, Needlefelt, Paint…. But I told myself I had to behave and concentrate on things I could do with materials that I already had, which was my Sewing fabric. However… I wanted to knit. SO!! For Christmas my boyfriend got me a Learning to Knit kit and I must say I’m loving it.

I’ll be honest, the kit itself is a tad rubbish. I won’t name any names but on the front it says ‘All You Need to Start Knitting’ but on the inside it says ‘You also need a Darning Needle and a Cable Needle’ – I didn’t have these or know what they were.

Anyway, I persevered and opened the leaflet that teaches knitting skills. The first step said ‘Make a Slipknot’ – accompanied by a picture of a completed Slipknot. What is a Slipknot? How do I make a completed one? My boyfriend tried to teach me but couldn’t work out how to show me properly from the other-way-around so I had to Google that.

Secondly, it taught ‘Casting On’. A section of seven pictures and some terribly complicated wording. I got to picture 3 with both of my needles and that was the end – picture 4 was never to be. After about half an hour I took to Google again and found a ridiculously simple 1 needle Casting On method – probably not great for the seasoned knitter but perfect to get me going.

Ok, we’ve got a Slipknot and a row of Cast Ons on one needle. Next step? According to this leaflet it was Yarn Over, which showed a picture of 2 needles, both with an amount of knitting on them. No mention of how to get any knitting on to my needles.

Safe to say I swiftly gave up and turned to YouTube which has been my Godsend.

Casting On
First Cast On Attempt
Learning to Knit
First bit of Knitting

What do we think – Any good?


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